About Us

My name is Justin D. Soultatos

Founder, Visionary, Entrepreneur, Author, and Inspirational Speaker

In 2011, I experienced the start of the biggest challenge of my lifetime. Almost over night I lost my health, money, credit, friends, everything I had and eventually wife left me. I had it all but wasn’t truly happy. I started to experience anger in many ways following that my body became systematic with numerous symptoms. Growing up I had massive anxiety, fear, was sick often but nothing close to what I was about to experience. I was hospitalized numerous times, went to every doctor under the sun and spent months on bed rest. My body displayed over 50 plus symptoms. I was on deaths door many times and by the grace of God HE gave me what was needed to keep going.. Most symptoms were not common and led me desperately searching for answers. I have always been a fix it guy and felt this was just another problem I had to solve.

I eventually lost my house to foreclosure and my real estate career was now side-lined. My hurt and pain caused me to be someone I didn't want to be and my wife wnded up leaving because I was not a person anyone one would want to be around. I went from having it all – to having literally nothing. All my friends had left my side and most didn't understand what I was going through.

Out of desperation the worst living nightmare ended up becoming my biggest blessing because it helped me to seek Jesus. I decided I had to fight back and fight with everything I had. With the help of the Lord, my mother after, and everything he showed me my life came back together. I regained my health, started new businesses, and a multiple ministries to share what God has showed me

I went to 30 months of counseling on the road to recovery and, have not dated in 7 years, now have a great mentor, accountability partner, and a small cast in my inner circle. I discovered the keys to living a successful, healthy and abundant life. I learned foundational truths that are found in the bible produced health and healing. I believe they help to prosper and succeed in all areas of my life.

My brother, Jonathan convinced me that I should share my story and knowledge with others at one of my lowest points. I took the step of faith and now help others that need encouragement and hope.

I began walking and sharing what God showed me on a mission called the Walk and Talk. It was born on INSTAGRAM LIVE and I served for 5 years watching countless peoples life change. Bringing encouragement and hope with what the Lord had showed me. While walking I began to share insights to improve and grow in every area of life. I walked to inspire others to walk with him (JEUSS)! MY vision was to encourage and bring hope to people on a global scale. That vision became a reality. I desired to see the broken - healed, thriving and living the abundant life Christ came to give us. We became a family and engaged in conversations getting to know even outside of the lives.

Now I am stronger then I have ever have been and help people become fit in 3 ways. Body, Mind and Spirit and full systematic approach to becoming the Best God designed them to be. Since then God has led me in a new direction and after a break I birthed a brand new mission JDS FIT. “God, your God, will restore everything you lost; he’ll have compassion on you; he’ll come back and pick up the pieces from all the places where you were scattered.” Deuteronomy 30:3

He will restore the years the locust ate away you just have to keep the faith, trust in Him and continue pressing forward.

If you feel like you are stuck in life and you are suffering in certain areas, I invite you to join me on my NEW journey to as we become the Best versions of ourselves. I am not perfect by any means just a man trying to becoming more like the one who is.

I would love to have you've apart of JDS FIT. Connect with us on Instagram @JDS.IG and YouTube at JDS FIT for more information to help you become everything God designed you to be. Thanks for checking out my website I look forward to connecting with you.